Thanks for the article, and some props back to you, HOG, for your foresight in those matters of URL claim staking. Unfortunately one of G Blaze's Arch Enemies has already snatched the aforementioned URL, no doubt tipped off by the notoriety of your published observation. You have some villains in your readership, HOG; but no worries, The Green Blazer understands it's nothing personal. Alas, in a world where superheroes exist, there will always be supervillains trying to thwart them.
Nonetheless it's to no matter, as The Green Blazer had something more apt and poignant already pre-registered at the time of the unsolicited yet much appreciated recognition from "about the fourth golf blog ever created," as self-proclaimed in the generous and well-crafted journaling.
Thanks, hookedongolfblog, for your recognition. Like Steve Stricker winning, "comeback player of the year" twice consecutive, The Green Blazer will be looking forward to your vote for coolest new golf blog of 2008 as well.
There are definitely evil forces out there in the golf inter-web. The best way to combat them is by just what you're doing, creating great content!
Don't sweat the URL. There are plenty of URLS out there. HOG's isn't exactly what I'd call an easy one to remember or spell for that matter.
By the way... are you using firefox? Cause in friggin' IE my damn columns don't look correct like they do in FF. Monkeysoft JUNK...
You got my vote Blazer! I can't wait for Golfer/Cleb look-alikes vol. 3.
Congratulations G Blaze!
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